
About Me

 This is me...Emily.  I will turn 32 in September. This is my life in a nutshell.

I was born and raised in Iowa.  I didn't like it much growing up.  I thought there was too many farms; I wanted to see big cities.  Iowa has changed a lot since I have lived there and now I think it is sad how the farms have disappeared.

When I was younger my family lived in Georgia for a brief 3 year stint before heading back to Iowa.  I learned to speak in Georgia.  I had quite the southern accent for a while.  People thought I was adorable.  I don't know what has happened but I grew up and people don't think I am so adorable anymore.

Then we moved to Maine.  My mom is from Maine and I used to visit family most summers growing up.  I loved Maine. My time in Maine has made me the ultimate lobster snob.  I rarely get it in restaurants and I cringe when people try to fancy it up.  Steamed lobster, enough said.

I went to school at Bryn Mawr College.  Yes, an all girls school but it looked like a castle when I visited and I was sold. I majored in Economics and spent a semester in Paris.  I would do anything to live in France again.

After graduation I moved to the Connecticut shoreline.  I got a consulting job working with colleges and universities; I look at buildings.  Seriously!

In August 2010 I got married to him...Mr. J.  He is my partner in all of our cooking and eating adventures.  I turned him into a bit of a food snob. 

 We go to Disney World just about every year. Yes, it can be fun for adults too.

We just had a little one in March of 2015. Being a mother is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. We are so blessed to have such a sweet baby.

I grew up in the kitchen with my mom and grandmother.  Family dinners were a must.  I find it very rewarding creating a meal from scratch.  Whether I shop for specific ingredients purposefully for a set meal or raid the fridge for what I have on hand, it is an enjoyable time. Mr. J is the chopper, cutter of all things, and taste tester. 

With a little one meals need to be planned out more, and quickly prepared.  This blog features food we eat on a daily basis. The pretty, the ugly, healthy and sweet.