
Monday, June 22, 2009

Beef burgers

Tonight for dinner we had burgers. The simple and very American go-to dinner was quite fulfilling. I must admit there was a very selfish ploy behind tonight's menu. It was quick and easy for Jordan to prepare. Plus, he loves red meat so I didn't have to deal with any eye-rolling after mentioning some quasi-vegetarian dish on tap for a meal. Ground beef is relatively inexpensive at the grocery store. The meat I bought for tonight was 80% lean. Now I must say that I almost ashamed to say that I bought such a thing. I will blame the economy and go with the less lean the meat, the cheaper the price stance. My habit is normally to buy the leanest cuts of meat possible. However, it seems to me that more flavor lies in the fattier meat. Why is it that some things can get away with being fatter? Or at least, why is it in our culture thinness is glorified and not the other way around?

For those who know me, I hardly use condiments. I simply don't like the taste of butter. Although in some things I can taste a difference of a lower fat option, for the most part the difference is so minuscule that I just don't care. Herein lies the question...if I love food and taste so much how could I possibly deny all the wonderful flavors fat equates in food? This should and will be left for another night. But I have decided from here on out, when it comes to burgers I will never cut out the fat again.

On a side note: Five Guys had a grand opening in the newest store this weekend in Poughkeepsie. Jordan is beyond ecstatic. This is even more amusing to me because the new location is in the building next to the other favorite burger restuarant Red Robin. I am sure we will be stoping in soon enough.

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