
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where does the time go?

So Memorial Day weekend flew by...Jordan and I spent the weekend in Maine, we went to a wedding, and got lots of stuff done for the wedding. The next minute it was Monday and we had to make the trek back to New York. Fast forward to today and it is June 1st. I can hardly believe it. 89 days till the wedding. one month till the move. and most importantly the bridal shower is now within a week. Call you tell I am excited?

I do have two posts from the weekend but they will have to wait for another day. Until then, I do want to give a shout out to a fellow blogger - Mrs. King and Living like the Kings. She managed to get to the famous 100 post today and is generously offering a give-a-way. A cookbook and bowls. I couldn't resist mentioning it so check it out! Plus she is crazy good at all thing technical and makes my blog look pathetic. Oh the possibilities!

More to come soon - it's 9pm and I just sat down for the day. I sure am tired but I am going to enjoy looking at this yummy cake I wish I had for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog! I don't think it's pathetic AT ALL! :)


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