
Friday, July 9, 2010

The first of many



An amazing transformation right? One of the best and most exciting parts of this past "moving" weekend was being able to open and finally use some of my bridal shower gifts. The move was so quickly after the bridal shower, and most of my gifts were fairly delicate I never unpacked them. Leave it to the people at Crate and Barrel to do a super duper packing job. I had to wait a few weeks before being able to really enjoy any of my gifts. This was a trying time to say the least. I have mentioned before and will mention again, I am not a very patient person.

Anyway, Jordan has told me many times that my spice situation was not up to par for him. He would have to lift up each jar of spice to see what it would take just too long. It never really bothered me cause I always put the jars back in the same spot. It was like a game of memory. Although Jordan has a good memory he did not like this type of memory.

Thus the spice rack on the Registry. Look how lovely it turned out. I like to admire it every time I go into the kitchen!

These are the things that calm me these days as the many nuances of moving are still haunting me. Still no cable and Internet. Let's just say Comcast does not make my top 10 favorite list this week. They managed to bring out Jordan's ugly face by not showing up. I think I have only seem him this mad one other time. The kid does not like to go without his TV for very long. Thank goodness we got a new video game.


  1. Looks good Em! :) I loved being able to use all my new kitchen gifts. Also, if you have it available, I highly recommend Verizon. WAY better than the Comcast devil.

  2. No luck with that. We had Fios in NY and it was amazing! But look here, I am on the internet. The set-up man is leaving as we speak. SUCCESS!

  3. I can totally relate to this situation - my spices are all together on a tall shelf and I have to hunt around for them without being able to see them all at once since the shelf is taller than I am! Game of memory is right. :)


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