
Thursday, July 15, 2010


I don't know if I will ever get over being excited about Pay Day. You go to work day in and day out. If you like your job great, if you don't the days can get very long. Either way though I feel like you get an extra boost when the pay day comes around. Who doesn't like to get money? Hopefully you don't just have to dole it out again. That seems to be my life lately but nonetheless, I truly love pay day. It being pay day today I can say it is a pretty good day for me.
To make things even better, the heat has lessened a bit and the rains have finally hit the ground. The air is thick but at least you don't like you ran into a wall the moment you step outside. Since moving I have tried to get settled as soon as possible. The one sad this about moving this time of year is that you really cannot grow a thing. Plants should be planted by July. Last summer my deck garden was no good. First off the deck was made in a way that basically block all possible sunlight from hitting the plants. Then the dreaded BLITHE took over. My tomatoes were done for. I tried to re-plant a few things with no success. My garden was a failure.

After much debate this year, I decided to save all of my pots and the little bit of leftover soil and bring them along on the move. Yes, I refused to buy condiments for a month but squeezed in $1 pots and about 1 small pot worth of soil. Oh well, I kind of lost some of my logic there for a while.
Anyway, since moving I bought a pre-grown basil pot and started my own seedlings. I love fresh basil. I was hoping to try an get some tomatoes too. The problem was not tomatoes but the soil itself. For the life of me I have not been able to find a bag of garden soil smaller than 100 LBS anywhere. I do not want that much soil. The search will continue a few more weeks but till then I am very content with the basil.

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