
Friday, November 5, 2010

How to enjoy a Friday?

This week seems to last a really long time. I had to go to Middlbury, VT then to Maine. I was really only gone 2.5 days. It seems like a month. There was a lot of driving. And we hit some snow in the mountains. I am just not ready for that.

I am home though and I walked into a wonderful smelling home. Normally work trips end with take-out. It is either late when I get home or I am just too tired to make anything. If Jordan is around he could probably make something but if I am gone for more than one day it is hard to help him via the phone get all of the ingredient out etc. For some reason though this trip I had a wonderful idea. A crock pot dinner would not be too stressful for Jordan - if it were to be let's say Beef Stew - something Jordan likes he could find his own recipe to try. All I had to do was make sure the beef portion was thawed in time for the cooking.

So the recipe is to come but this was our Friday night.

We ended with 1/2 a chocolate walnut cookie and some vanilla ice cream.

It was so nice to have a home cooked meal to end the week with. Yummy!

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