
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The last book

I might be a few days late for this but better late than never.  A friend emailed this to me and I wanted to share.

Word of the Day for Monday, January 10, 2011

lickerish \LIK-er-ish\, adjective:
1. Fond of and eager for choice food.

2. Greedy; longing.

3. Lustful; lecherous.

I obviously got it for definition number one.  I am going to try to work it into my vocabulary everyday.

So what do you have when it is cold, windy, and just got a ton of snow?  Homemade chicken noodle soup!

It also helps with all the sniffling going around.  I think I got it from Jordan in the last 24 hours.

This is the last book...

Not really but I did get a Nook for Christmas so it will be awful hard to take pictures of the same thing for each of the different books I finish reading. I actually still have a pile of 4 books I want to get through but for travel trips the Nook will be the go-to tech. item in my suit case.

I started this book almost 1 year ago.  It was during a ski trip with Jordan - I don't ski - that I started reading this book.  It was a bad idea to begin with since I had just gotten engaged and was super ready  to begin researching all of the various elements of a wedding and two because a ski lodge is a very good place to people watch.  I am easily distracted.  Thus the first day of reading probably only got me about 20 pages in.  So here we are  10 months later and I finally finished.

It is a great fiction book that reads like a non-fiction.  It is the memoir of a boy through adulthood during the Bolshevik revolution and the Cold war.  The writer chronicles his life in Mexican as a cook living with Diego Rivera who hides Trotsky and then through a move to the US to become a writer.  After becoming successful as a author, he is later condemned at a communist in the US.

It is a fascinating looking at the US during this time period. The book gets better and better the deeper you get into it. 

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