
Saturday, January 1, 2011


Its New Year's day.  Jordan and I decided for the second year in a row that we would rather stay in than go out.  Who are we kidding we never make it till midnight anyway.  We opted for Chinese take, a rather sad movie, and some fake champagne.

I opted for MUMM Napa Valley.  Being from California it is not technically champagne but we enjoyed it.  We also enjoyed the price tag.  Note to self: Do NOT buy champagne shopping New Year's Eve day - they are expensive!

Being the first of January and all it it seems only fitting to write about some resolutions for the coming year.  I am not big on resolutions; I prefer goals.  Now my mind is constantly running on things I want to accomplish, mini goals shall we say.  This year, however, something has been nagging at me to have a more sense of purpose.  I am going to give a few resolutions a try.

I read an article recently on the top ten most common resolutions.
1. Lose weight
2. Stay in touch
3. Quit smoking
4. Save money
5. Cut stress
6. Volunteer
7. Go back to school
8. Cut back on alcohol
9. Get more sleep
10. Travel

Some of these are just not necessary for me - I don't smoke and don't drink that much alcohol.  I also find it odd that getting organized is not one listed.  Doesn't everyone wish to be organized?

My resolutions are a bit more simple.
~ I will go to California this year.  Jordan and I are working on the details to a San Fran trip in late spring.
~ I am going to amp up my running again and be more consistent with weight lifting.
~ I am going to take an art class.
~ I am going to write at least on of my friends once a month.  Who does love a good ole fashion letter?

I am still ironing out the mini goals to make all of this possible but I know they will be successful! 


1 comment:

  1. We played monopoly, ate Zhang's sushi, watched the ball drop and went to bed. LOL


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