
Sunday, February 13, 2011


How can the weekend be over already?  We had such a good time in Maine and yet it flew by.  It seems like we were just packing and now we are unpacking. 

While we were gone we had a lovely dinner party with fondue.  What a way to celebrate Valentine's Day!  We used a very simple but real cheese mix that you heat on the stove.  After about 10 minutes of stirring constantly you have fondue.

Paired with Apples

And Bread

Its very stringy.

Don't forget about the giveaway.  It ends tomorrow at 8pm.

Workout Wrap up
Monday: Elliptical 60 minutes
Tuesday: Elliptical 60 minutes
Wednesday: REST (i.e. Day from hell)
Thursday: Elliptical 45 minutes
Friday: REST
Saturaday: walk 10 minutes, run 40 minutes, walk 10 minutes
Sunday: Cybex 60 minutes

Not a good week for running.

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