
Friday, May 20, 2011

5 dishes with EGGS for dinner

The incredible edible egg.  I love to eat eggs, they are cheap, easy to cook, and can be used in so many different ways. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Baked eggs with pasta sauce and ricotta cheese

2. Huevos Rancharos burrito

3.  On top of of burger

4. Cobb Salad

5. Fried eggs or Baked goods

I like a plain old egg every once in a while.  Fried is my favorite but hard boiled and scrambled come in a close second.  Also, eggs go into most baked goods.  Yes, I know the whole vegan/flax seed egg method.  But the real stuff, the real cookie dough needs an egg.  I want to just dig in a spoon or finger.

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  1. OMG that first dish looks AMAZING! I have to try it.

  2. I've yet to try an egg on a burger!

  3. Those are some awesome egg ideas! I just love them on a sandwich, but I may have to add one to the next veggie burger I make!

  4. I've never had an egg on a burger, but it looks tempting!

  5. Good thing it's almost dinner, this made me soooo hungry!

  6. I love eggs! It's my favorite dinner after I go to post-work yoga. I just tried egg on a burger and it was amazing!

  7. Yes, eggs are definitely a favorite - tasty, cheap, and versatile! I want the "Baked eggs with pasta sauce and ricotta cheese" ...that sounds incredible!


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