
Friday, May 6, 2011

Top 5 San Francisco/Napa Valley moments

 Mr. J and I just got back from a whirlwind tour of Napa Valley and San Francisco.  We had an amazing time and there were so many fun moments.  I thought I would share a few (5 to be exact) of the highlights.

Sea Lions at Pier 39 - I could have stood there for hours watching them make noises, swim, and fight over the pier space. I loved it!

Platypus Wine Tours - Best tour ever.  1 day, 4 vineyards, and lots of wine.  Who wouldn't like views like these?

Duckhorn Vineyard - A favorite vineyard with one gigantic tasting of wine, rosemary almonds, cute crackers, and lots of fun wine stories.  Plus there are ducks everywhere.

Alcatraz Tour - Yes, you must do this very touristy thing if you are in the San Francisco area.  You get a boat ride in the bay and a very interesting audio tour.  So much history on one little island. The views of San Francisco are amazing.

Golden Gate Bridge views - no explanations needed!

Cable Cars - Favorite way to avoid walking up and down the gigantic hills!

Yep, I did it again.  I can count and know there are six but it is super hard to choose. More details to come on these very fun, exciting things!


  1. I LOVE know, I STILL have not done Alcatraz. Next time, for sure.

  2. SF looks beautiful, now I want to go!

  3. I've never been - but looks like fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. The heart-shaped butter was a last minute addition. hee hee! ♥- Katrina


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