
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend Edition: Father's Day

Have you missed me?  I feel like I have been out of the the blog loop lately.  Here is an update of last week:
  • I flew to Kansas last week for work.  It was hot and humid.  The people were a hoot and we got a ton accomplished.  Then my computer broke. I saw pretty rainbow colors on the screen and then it went to the deathly blue color.  After that I was lucky if I was able to turn it on for more than 30 minutes at a time.
  • My flight home was delayed two hours and I didn't climb into my own bed till 2am on Friday morning.  I was a cranky girl Friday. Sorry to all of my co-workers who I probably gave the scary face.

But that was last week.  It is the weekend and FATHER'S DAY!  Sadly, I cannot be celebrating in person but I am wishing my Daddy a very Happy Father's Day.  My brother and I are chipping in for a TV for my parent's bedroom.  Their old one stopped working a few months ago.  They have been doing some pretty major updates on the rest of the house this summer so the TV was put on hold.  Now they are getting a flat screen.   Woah!  My dad is really moving up in the world.  I hope he enjoys his TV.  Love you Dad! 

The weather man did an awful job predicting the weather this weekend.  There was storms expected last night and a rainy Sunday.  Instead we had beautiful sunshine. To relish in the glorious sunshine, I had this delicious summertime breakfast.  Love the berries!

Saturday day a few Connecticut bloggers met up at Gouveia Vineyards.  The scenery was very much like Napa.  I miss California. 

I was actually a little in shock that such a pretty place existed a mere 15 minutes from my apartment. 

The wine was not my favorite but I can definitely see coming back here for a picnic. We learned the hard way because near the end of the visit we were surrounded but other very intelligent people who brought loads and loads of delicious smelling food.  In the end we were driven away from our hunger.

We did the wine tasting at the bar - 5 tasting for $6/person and you get to keep the glass.

4 of the options were pre-selected and then you got to pick the last tasting.  I chose the Cabernet Franc.  It ended up being my favorite.  I swear once you go red you can never go back to white.  I know a lot of people enjoy white wines.  I just cannot mouth them.  Even in the summer I would much prefer a deep, rich, dry red. 

As for the girls, well we had a great time.  This turned into a major girl-get together with more talk about craziness than blogs. 

Did you know that animal sounds in Russia are completely different than the US ones?  If you want some good entertainment, find yourself a Russian and ask them to make the sound of a pig or a horse.   You will be in for a good laugh.

Thanks for a great afternoon girls!  I had a great time.

If you are in Connecticut and want information on the next meet up be sure to head on over to Kat's blog and link up.  I promise to be better about posting future events as well.  I blame the computer mishap this week. 


  1. Ahhh... I miss California too! :-( Oh, and I'm definitely going to ring up my Russian sister-in-law and get the animal sounds. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I love wine tastings! But hate delayed airlines. Feeling ya on everything here :)

  3. Looks like a great time!

  4. Is that a picture of me complaining of being too hot? LOL

  5. I love discovering places close to home. Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have :)
    It looks like you had a great day. I could not agree more about red wine.


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