
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend Edition: F.U.N.

You know the weekend is going to be good when Friday night starts out like this...

A group of us got together for dinner at The Place.  Yes, the name of the restaurant is called The Place.  The subtitle on the sign is an unusual dinning experience.  I don't think you could explain it much better than that.  As you can see the chairs are tree stumps.  

The menu is a huge board in the back.  And you bring all of your own side dishes. 

We had quite the selection of dishes to pick from.  I am pretty sure everyone was full from just our own dishes. 

But that didn't stop us from continuing to feast.  Some of us planned ahead and brought real wine glasses.  I wasn't so prepared and Mr. J ended up with this classy glass for his red wine.

My favorite item ever at The Place is the roasted corn.  It is so good.  I could probably order 5 and call it a night.  I was lucky enough to not be caught in a picture eating.  Kari has her own blog and was more than willing to be photographed.  They smother the corn in butter so it gets to be quite messy!

The menu consists of a variety of seafood dishes, chicken and rib eye steak all served up on the big fire pit.  I got the mussels.

Clearly they were a hit!

The night ended with dessert.  I talked Mr. J into splitting a Peanut Butter Mud Cake.  He tackled the whip cream and I devoured the peanut butter topping.

Everyone had a fun night.  On a side note, this is a restaurant Martha Stewart frequents but no one believed me.  I did a bit of research and found the last time she visited here

Saturday Mr. J and I did a bit of exploring and ended up at this mini golf course.  I hadn't been mini golfing in years.  The course itself was not fantastic but we had a fun time. I got to see Mr. J in action after all of the weekends he left me to play golf.   

I got a hole-in-one, but then Mr. J got a hole-in one on the same green.  He completely stole my thunder and made my victory dance not as enjoyable.  In the end he won by one shot.  We were both really over par.  I think the holes were a bit messed up though.  I cannot tell you how many balls jumped out of the holes. 

Up next today is a clamming adventure.  We are hoping to catch our own supper.  This weekend would have been like a mini vacation if it weren't for the laundry, dishes, and vacuuming that needed to get done. 


  1. A restaurant where you bring food? How interesting. Looks like you all had a great time - and the mussels - yum!

  2. That's such a cool idea that you can bring your own sides. We need a place like that here is Cali.

  3. Wow - what a fun time! I love miniature golf and "The Place" sounds like a great place to get together with friends!

  4. I'm so jealous! Wish I was there at The Place :)


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