
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Expecting a Wacky Wednesday!

Yesterday was one of those days - A Tuesday that felt like a Thursday!  I don't know why it seemed like the end of the week. Clearly it was not.  3 more days of the work still remain.

I don't have any fun recipes today.  In case you haven't notice 23 states were under a heat advisory yesterday, Connecticut being one of them.  Weather like this only means one thing: Ice cream for dinner.  No, not really.  Although it has happened in the past. But to get to the end of the story, not much cooking has been going on.

Instead we had this a side dish.

Yep, peas in a pod. 

I also go another fun thing in the mail.  7 Grain pita chip with sea salt courtesy of Kashi.    I haven't tried them just yet but I am sure they are delicious.  I am a big, big fan of Kashi products.

Tonight is date night.  Mr. J and I are trying out a new restaurant with a Groupon.  I am new to the whole Groupon arena but let me tell you they may be my second love.  Oh wait, that is cookies.

Finally, my foot is doing much better. Monday equaled tennis shoes.  Tuesday I progress to being able to wear sandals.  Tonight, I play on running.  Amazing how fast the body can heal!  I just might be able to tackle clamming again this weekend.

And I leave you with this breakfast, leftover waffles stacked. 

The order:
almond butter
mashed bananas
more mashed bananas
a tiny bit of maple syrup
blueberries and strawberry

Yum, yum, YUM!


  1. The peas are toi cute! I wish it was that warm here in Holland. To be honest with all the working I do I don't really got the summer feeling and it is already July! Enjoy the weather!

  2. Great breakfast - love the use of leftover waffles! Nothing wrong with ice cream for dinner every once in awhile :)

  3. I know it's been crazy hot! I live in Florida - where we're having our usual mid-90's heat, but we're equipped for it with tons of a/c. In the mean time, stay cool and hydrated!

  4. I ate cereal one night this week for dinner because it was so hot. Those waffles look pretty yummy.

  5. It is so hard to cook when the heat is like it has been lately...if I dish out ice cream I am sure my kids will love me forever.
    I love the picture of the peas!

  6. The heat does take some of the drive for me to be in the kitchen at this point. ;)

    Love the stack of waffles. It's a pile of happiness right there.


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