
Monday, July 18, 2011

Panzanella Salad

Such a late post time for me!  I don’t know how the morning got away from me.  To be honest, I don’t know how Sunday night got away from me.   Keeping with the trend of last week, the weekend flew by. 

Hopefully things will be a bit slower this week before things really get crazy with summer travel plans.  The next few months are going to be very busy.  Up on the calendar this week: another Kansas visit.  I am crossing my fingers that by the end of the week things will cool down a bit. They were forecasting 115 degree temperatures.  Yuck!

In order to cool off my body, and trick my mind that it is not miserably hot and humid out I am sticking with some no cook dishes.

Last night for dinner we had a Panzanella salad.  Have you ever heard of this?  It is a Tuscan bread salad that is great for using up older bread.  It also adds some spice from the typical leaf salads of the summer.

Earlier in the week I had made some croutons from some aging bread in the cabinet.  They were a reliable topping for my daily salad lunches.  However, after a week I was getting sick of those salads.  We needed a vegetable for dinner though so I started thinking what else could I make with the variety of produce in the fridge.  More importantly, what could I make with without turning on the oven?

Panzanella salad
1 cucumber, peeled, sliced and cut into quarters
1 pint of cherry tomatoes cut in halves
1 cup homemade croutons
A handful of fresh basil, chopped
1 Tbsp Garlic Gold olive oil (any olive oil would work)
Salt and pepper to taste

Toss together and enjoy!


  1. I love Panzanella Salad!! My brother introduced this to me a couple years ago, and now I could live on it!

  2. Yummm... What a perfect no cook dinner for the summer. Your salad looks so refreshing in the pics!

  3. This looks awesome! Perfect for those summer nights when it's too hot to think, let alone cook!

  4. Ah-a new addition to my collection of recipes for salad cravings. Healthy and tasty-just like I prefer. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Panzanella Salad is one of my all-time favorites! Yours is beautiful!

  6. the name Panzanella is new to me but I already love it.
    this salad is perfect for a light summer dinner. thanks for sharing


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