
Monday, July 11, 2011

Shrimp and Garlic Scapes

Have you ever heard of garlic scapes?
Way back when I worked at Nezinscot Farm in high school, we used to harvest garlic scapes. This was the first and pretty much only time I had heard of them. A garlic scape is the stalk of the garlic at an early stage. Before it straightens, the stalk is curved and tender.  There is lots of flavor but it is not as potent the garlic bulb.

You can simple roast or saute the garlic scapes in olive oil till they soften. 

We had some shrimp to eat and decided combining the garlic scapes and shrimp with pasta sounded delicious.

Cook pasta as directed on box. Save about 1/2 C pasta water.

Saute garlic scapes with 1/2 diced onion in olive oil with salt and pepper for about 10 minutes.  Add shrimp and cook for about 6 minutes till they turn pink.  Add pasta water and cooked pasta.  Mix together and let the flavors set and distribute through the pasta.

Add 1/4 C Parmesan cheese. 


  1. Very informative post. Garlic scapes are not something everyone knows about, but I am sure garlic farmers do. I may ask for them at the grocers that have a large variety of produce. Great pasta salad for a summer afternoon.

  2. Pepper, olive oil and garlic scapes... delish! This looks beautiful and summer fresh.

  3. This looks so good! I could go for a bowl of that for lunch...without the shrimp though 'cause I'm allergic to shellfish. :(

  4. Garlic scapes sound wonderful! I will have to keep an eye out for them. Great post!

  5. I've never heard of garlic scapes before but I'll bet they taste wonderful with that shrimp! I'll be keeping my eyes open for them from now on!

  6. I have heard of scapes but never tried to use them, thanks for reminding me about them!

  7. This dish looks really tasty.

  8. I've heard of garlic scapes, but I don't think I've ever tried them. Thanks for the recipe!

  9. What a lovely dish for summer!! Would love to try those garlic scapes :)

  10. This looks delicious! I need to get some garlic scapes!

  11. looks terrific! I hate that I'm allergic to shrimp, but I bet this would be tasty with chicken, too!

  12. Nice and simple, love it and will try out soon.

  13. Oh, this dish looks delicious! Perfect flavours for summer! Yum!

  14. I love using garlic scapes. I never thought to pair them with shrimp, they must be fantastic together. Beautiful photos!

  15. This looks so delicious! Love this recipe! :)

  16. Great post! I have never had garlic scapes before! Would love to try them.


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