
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Crate and Barrel Addiction

It was good to hear yesterday that so many people have some garbage pains.  In my perfect world, I would have a nice little closet or mud room out of sight.  It would have three pretty containers for trash, returnable bottles, and recyclable paper.  Of course, I would also have a compost pot in the kitchen.  I will keep on dreaming for a while.

Now on to today's topic at hand.  I suppose we all have our little "things" where we tend to go overboard.  Mr. J has a couple. Three to be exact.  He likes shoes.  What man needs this many brown shoes?  And that is not all of them.

He also has golf.  Yep that is two golf bags you see.  And some fishing poles in the corner. 

There are also fishing poles  in other various locations throughout the apartment.  Let's just say I am counting down the days as fast as he is for a man cave.  I understand the concept of a whole set of golf clubs.  Each club has a different function depending on how you want to hit a ball.  I am still waiting to understand the need for 5 plus fishing poles.  That's down from over 10 though.  Let's not get started on the number of reels he has accumulated.

Yes, I rag on my husband for these tendencies.  He likes to compare them to my purse habit.  I do confess I like expensive bags, however, I argue that I buy a new bag maybe once a year but sometimes its two or three between a purchase.  Fishing equipment in our household is much more common. 

Really, though, I have some other addictions that far outdo my purses.  Mainly, Crate and Barrel.  It is a good thing one is not close to me...a nice hour drive to get to the closest store.  And I hate paying for shipping so even online I will only make a buy when there is some deal going on with free shipping.  Well, there is a deal right now and I just couldn't help myself.

We don't need mugs.  I have a cabinet full of mugs, so many it is hard to make them all fit.  But check out these cute little cups.  I couldn't resist.  Plus, they are shades of blue so well it was fate.

Then, there were the kitchen utensils.  You can never have too many spatulas and flippers (yep, that is the correct name.)  We might have had some problems in the past where certain materials were left on things a bit too long and melting ensued. 

Then, there was the dish towels.  How cute are these!  Again there were pretty blues.  But also the veggies.  They make me smile so therefore they are a good thing. 

I also recently received a gift wrapped in a dish towel.  It was so beautiful and you got a little some thing extra for the gift.  I am thinking this is a great idea for Christmas....No Trash sounds like a win win for me!

There you have it. I have an addiction to Crate and Barrel.  Do you think they have a 12 step program for this?  Mr. J, I promise to cut back my random purchases at Crate and Barrel if you say no more fishing poles for the rest of the year.  Deal?


  1. Girl, I totally get you again. I am so addicted to Crate and Barrel! It's a good thing that there isn't one where I live, or I'd be in big trouble. But, that doesn't stop me from ordering online...

  2. If I lived in the US I think I would have a slight obsession with the shop myself. Nice purchases ;-)

  3. i totally understand. lately i have been battling my addiction to Amazon!!

  4. I got a ten percent off coupon in the mail today. Dang them! I'm probably going to have to spend a lot more money to save a lot more money. I do love my pasta roller that I've got from them!

  5. Can you believe I've never bought anything from Crate & Barrel!?!? I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you! :D

  6. I always wished that we lived near a Crate & Barrel, but now maybe I am glad that we don't!

  7. LOL! I love the picture of the shoes! Crate & Barrel is a favorite of mine, but I don't live near one...dang it! On-line purchasing just isn't the same! I do like your purchases, tho!

    I do, however, purchase a TON of kitchen items! I have a drawer in my kitchen that is just for - wait for it - wooden spoons! I have THAT many!

  8. Oh, I love to buy purses and lots of fun things for my kitchen too.

  9. I love Crate and Barrel too :) Such cute dish towels!

  10. We all have our "little" addictions. I love reading about everyone's and it gives me comfort to know I am not the only one. My addiction is books (especially cookbooks). There I said it and I feel better for it :)

  11. I love Crate and Barrel- I have to stay away from the store because I would go broke easily!

  12. Um.. soo.. I may live just 10 blocks from a C&B. And my dear husband may have realized what a bad thing it was for me to be near one when we registered (the time I had a meltdown from finding too many cute things and having to actually choose is what he mentions as his least-favorite part of wedding planning). I did just discover something, though: their registries are not just for weddings! I've made one for my birthday before and it works great - and I can curb my spending by putting it in the registered for category. Then you can watch if it goes on sale or something... ! (I love your blues!)

  13. I totally have a C&B addiction..that's why I only go in the store once a year...and when I have a gift card lol


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