
Monday, August 15, 2011

Shoreline Wine Festival

This weekend we were able to go to the Shoreline Wine Festival at Bishop's Orchard.  Lucky for us Bishop's is only about 1 mile down the road.  Saturaday ended up being the most perfect weather day and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.

The Shoreline Wine Festival was a celebration of Connecticut Vineyards.  There are over sixteen vineyards across Connecticut and seven ended up at the festival to share their top wines with us.

One of my favorite parts was the wine labels.  There were some very unique and beautiful labels.  I know that the label has little to do with the taste of the wine but I still judge a bottle by the label.

Chamard Vineyards is located in Clinton, CT, very close to where we live.  We already made plans to visit again. 

The tickets read, "Good Wine, Good Food, and Good Music." The wine was good.  I am glad we went early in the day before the crowds, but the festival really lacked the food aspect, much to Mr. J's disappointment.

Two of the vineyards don't even use grape for their wine, they are purely fruit based.  A favorite was the hard cider from Bishop's.

Jone's Winery had a Strawberry champagne that was so good.  I am not normally a fan of sweet, fruity wines but this one was delicious.  Great summer treat!

Although this was no Napa Valley wine tasting, we had a great time.  For a few hours it felt like we were on a mini vacation far away from all of the "must dos." of life.


  1. Perhaps lacking in the food department was a bit of a bummer, but I'm always a sucker for a great bottle of vino. Looks fabulous!

  2. Fun! Never been to a wine festival before!

  3. Yay! I love wine tastings - and if the labels are interesting all the better! Glad you had a good time! Time away from the every day is always nice...

  4. oh we have a favorite Connecticut wine! my bf's brother worked at a wine store there - something about angels? I can't remember the exact name but I know the label


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