
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today's my birthday.  I am going to be 27 today at 8:10am.  At this exact time, I will be flying to Florida to stick these toes in the pool.

Our bags are packed and ready to go. Until then I can share some of our fun adventures, I wanted to share something Mr. J developed in my absence this past week.

Remember those vanilla waffle crisps from Trader Joe's I told you about?  Well, Mr. J stole took some of my baking chocolate chips and melted them on top.

The result was those little cookies got a whole lot more delicious! Now I just need a big bowl of ice cream to stick one in.  And here I was worried that he wouldn't be eating well while I was gone.


  1. Happy birthday! I hope your trip is awesome! I'll miss you! If you find a disney mug with my name on it (no one ever has my name on souvenieres), will you bring it back for me so I stop stealing yours?

  2. Happy 27th! Enjoy your time in Florida and celebrate like there is no tommorrow!

  3. Happy Birthday! Say hi to Mickey for me.

  4. happy birthday. Have a great trip. I will have to drop into Trader Joes

  5. Well I think he's going to survive for sure. We don't have Trader Joe's here which is such a bummer. Would love to go in. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your trip.

  6. Melted chocolate can improve so many things.... Have a good birthday trip!

  7. Happy Birthday! Have fun on your trip!

  8. Happy birthday!! I hope you have a great time in Florida!
    Looks like Mr J. knows what he’s doing =) I bet a bit of whipping cream on top of those wouldn’t hurt either hihihih

  9. Happy Birthday and have a GREAT time! I love Disney and the weather is perfect right now!

  10. Happy birthday! I hope you're having an amazing time!


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