
Monday, September 5, 2011


Is it really September?  I am not sure where the last week went.  I was in DC enjoying stressing enjoying my time with friends and family. 

Then the hurricane struck.  I was in DC when it made landfall.  We had rain most of the day Saturday and through the night but woke up to beautiful skies on Sunday.

The mess came with trying to get back to Connecticut.  Amtrak was not helpful at all.  They kept canceling our train, only for us to call and get advice like "Its August.  Things are hot. Maybe the water will evaporate fast from the tracks."  This is no joke.  They would not reschedule us till after the time came for our already canceled train. By then everything was full.  We ended up renting a one-way car and drove back Monday morning.

We came back to Connecticut only to find our apartment without power.  Apparently the storm hit hardest in three shoreline towns. Mine was the one in the middle.  I would say that we were lucky though.  We had no damage.  No flooding.  Just no POWER.   

I always try to be prepared and think in advance.  Well, my preparedness of stocking the freezer was not a good idea. We had to throw out so much food. It literally broke my heart.  I don't have a ton of pictures during this time as blogging was not high on the priority list but I will say that I never thought I would...
  1. Venture out to use someone else's bathroom
  2. Hang out on the floor of Barnes and Noble charging about 7 electronics at once for 3 hours
  3. Wait in line for an hour and 15 minutes for $20 of ice
  4. Pay $20 for ice
  5. Be so happy to have ice
As for Mr. J, his dad is in the construction business.  He has never been without power for more than 30 minutes in his whole life.  They have lots of generators.  We got power on Thursday evening. Those 4 days were the longest days of Mr. J's life thus far.

Thank goodness for our grill.  We were able to have a hot meal each day. You get pretty creative with no power and little food.  Food was a priority for us and we ate pretty well.

During the midst of the chaos, Mr J and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary.  The freezer defrosted just in time for us to have a bit of our wedding cake.  Now our cake was amazing and a year later it was still great.  The frosting had dried out some but the cake itself was so delicious.  You can definitely whip away some of your hurricane sorrows with chocolate cake.  I am just saying...

We had to say goodbye to these little fellows. You kept us great company and I was sorry to say our goodbyes.

This weekend was met with some much needed fun. We took off to Boston on Sunday for some birthday present shopping for me and an afternoon Sox game.  The day was a perfect day for a ball game.  Too bad, the Sox were just not that motivated to win.  I will not tell you the finally score but it was not pretty.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day!


  1. bbq the essential item during a disaster. What a memorable first how can you top that experience for number two???

  2. And how can you be mad when you have those funny lobsters looking at you :)

  3. Sometimes it's no fun when you're cleaning out the freezer and throwing away all that food, but at least you were safe and nothing important damaged!

  4. I'm SO sorry you had to throw away all that food! I just purchased a freezer to add to our stores, but we also have a generator. However, you're safe and home....and I'm glad you're okay!


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