
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Perfect Fall Dinner

Fall is about pumpkins and apples. I love them both and have thus far enjoyed playing in the kitchen with the two.  But there is another often forgotten fall food.  The squash.  Yes, I know pumpkin is a squash but what about butternut or acorn? I don't want to forget.

I had three acorn squash on my hands the other day.  I was very very tempted to make some soup but Mr. J was down with the idea. He did however jump to the idea of simply roasting it for a dinner side.  The directions are so easy. Cut the squash in half and seed.  Slice in half moons.  Drizzle olive oil and season with salt and pepper.  Put in an oven at 375 degrees and roast for 45 minutes.  A fork should go through easily when done.

Volia! Squash, Brussel Sprouts and Pork Roast.  A Perfect Fall Dinner.


  1. That is a great fall dinner! Those brussel sprouts look amazing too!.

  2. I roasted a really large amount of squash at work the other day and ate a scandalous amount myself. I know I would enjoy this meal

  3. Looks wonderful! I have a big buttercup squash waiting to be roasted tomorrow :)

  4. Looks so good! There is nothing better than simply roasting veggies - especially squash! xo

  5. Oh, drool! You're right...that is a PERFECT fall dinner!

  6. I never thought to roast them so simply without having to go through the work of dicing the whole darn thing into little cubes..ill have to give it a try!

  7. This is a great fall dinner! Everything looks so delicious!

  8. This is definitely a great fall dinner. I love cooking with squash in the fall, but I must admit, even I tend to go more towards pumpkin and apple recipes.

  9. What a simple side dish...I love this :) It's perfect for fall!


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