
Friday, November 18, 2011

Top Five: Baking Finds

It is Friday and I don't think anyone could be as happy as I am that this week is over.  Now, please don't get mad at me. I know it is not yet Thanksgiving and I don't believe in anything Christmas till Thanksgiving has come and gone but I have one tendancy I just cannot break. I am constantly on the look out for new fancy things I want.  I start Christmas shopping early.  And as I am shopping for other people I add things here and there for my own list.

Today I bring you some of the thingsI have been eyeing lately that I hope find their way under my tree.

  1. Emile Henry Mixing bowls
The set of three are big and could be oh so useful in the kitchen.

2. Austin's Flora Measuring cups

I love all of the nesting cups I have seen around with the most pretty designs and colors.  Who wouldn't want to have these on hand?

3. Emile Henry Pie Plate

I just love it.  It comes in multiple colors.  Although I have mostly used glass plates for my pie baking adventures I think pies in dishes like this seem homey. 
4. Rooster kitchen timer

I have a thing for roosters.  Don't ask.  I am petrified of them in person but they have become the theme in my kitchen.  It was love at first sight with this time.

5. Old School Apron

I have been known on a time or two to use my pants to quickly clean my hands while cooking. I have some aprons but none are nearly as pretty as this one.

There you have it. I would be happy to supply my mailing address if you have a very giving heart.  Or better yet just get one or all for yourself.


  1. I love Emile Henry cookware. It roasts/bakes perfectly every time and is soooo easy to clean.

  2. I am with Cake, that cookware is a must have for any kitchen. Also, love the cute little rooster. Have a great weekend!

  3. I'd love those measuring cups! :)

  4. What a good way of letting people know what you want! That apron looks great.

  5. i LOVE those measuring cups! They are adorable!

  6. They look great! I know exactly what you mean! There are so many cute things you can't resist between now and the holidays1

  7. I leave everything Christmas for after Thanksgiving too...except shopping! The measuring cups are too adorable :)

  8. Love the measuring cups! Thanks for sharing your finds.

  9. I like all five of these things...especially the Emile Henri bowls and pie plate. I totally want to forward your post to anyone who might be shopping for me right now. Too obvious?

  10. I love those measuring cups too -- never seen ones so pretty! Theresa


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