
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happenings Lately

A pulled pulled pork sandwich is not the smartest idea before entering a small conference room for three hours to give three separate presentations.  Dinosaur BBQ - Troy, NY

When restaurants run out of real glasses they revert to plastic, and then smaller plastic.  You get a sense of the three little bears going on and way too much diet coke.

You can find gourmet meals in Clemson, SC at the Blue Heron

Movies at 2pm on a Thursday afternoon means a movie theater to could also be that Breaking Dawn is just not that great of a movie.

A medium popcorn is still way too big and will spoil dinner plans.

Others have much better and much more creative holiday desserts.

Nothing is more enjoyable than a home cooked meal.

Even when you have to do the dishes.

Whole Foods makes me happy...till I get to the check out counter.  Then I am grumpy till I eat what I bought and realized that things like this wonderful salmon is well worth every penny.


  1. I have that same feeling of "ouch" when I hit the checkout counter at the store, as I always end up buying things that cost more than I tought they would. But then it is worth every penny when you create something delicious with the ingredients, like your salmon which does look amazing by the way :)!

  2. I got really excited when I saw that Lorax bag of popcorn! I can't wait for that movie to come out :) Popcorn is quite a dinner spoiler...but so good!

  3. I feel the same exact way about Whole Foods! It's a love-hate thing for sure! But they have all of my favorite teas, and such goo chocolate... I mostly love it!

  4. I know exactly what you mean about Whole Foods - it's amazing, but pricy! I go to the movies once a week in the afternoons...movies is my alone time! When other people are in the theater, I get grumpy!


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