
Friday, January 20, 2012

You know it's love when...

You know it's love when in the midst of a long weekend vacation in another state you would rather stay in than explore because your one and only is not feeling well.

You know it's love when you sit in the middle seat of an airplane twice always so your one and only has more room since they don't feel well.

You know it's love when you wake up early stay up all night when your one and only cannot sleep because they don't feel well.

You know it's love when at 6am you're on your way to the ER  because your one and only is in a lot of pain.

You know it's love when 8 hours later and you still don't know what is going and are completely uncomfortable but there is no place you would rather be.

You know it's love when your one and only says the the pain is only a 2 as opposed to the 8 the day before and it is the best news you could possibly hear.

Needless to say it has been quite a week.  Thinking back over the last 72 hours it is hard to believe the peaks and valleys we lived through.  There have been no recipes to post because there has been no cooking going on in this household.  Mr. J is doing much better but there are big changes are to come with upcoming recipes.  Stomach problems do not prompt spicy chicken wings, bacon flavored dishes, and buttery desserts.


  1. cute post


  2. awww!!! I hope he feels better!!

  3. Em, What's up? Is he okay? I hope he feels better and can eat your good food again soon!

  4. I hope he's feeling better by now. What was wrong?!

  5. I am sorry to hear you guys had a tough week... Hope all is better already!

  6. So sorry to hear about your tough week! Hope your Husband is feeling better :)!

  7. Sorry to hear that you had such a rough week! Hope your husband is on the mend. Make sure you get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself.

  8. I'm glad he's feeling better and I know you'll take good care of him.

  9. I'm sorry to hear your one and only was not feeling well but I'm sure you'll cook him back to health in no time.

  10. It's a good thing that he has you to take care of him! So sorry to hear that things didn't go according to plan. Here's wishing your one and only a quick and pain-free recovery!

  11. Aw, I'm so sorry to hear he has been so sick! He's sure lucky to have you to take care of him though! Hoping for a speedy recovery!


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