
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Brownie in a Mug

They say one of the keys to successful weight loss, dieting, or general overall healthy eating is to rid your kitchen and pantry of all things that you don't want to eat.  I know when I have cookies, ice cream, and cake around I will ultimately eat some or all of the sweets.  After vacation I felt the need for a little detox. I made sure there was no extra sweets in the cabinets.  Then one night I had a craving. Mr. J had a craving.  We needed some sweets.

Fortunately, unfortunately when you are a baker, even if the made sweets do not exist currently, a new one is right behind the pantry door just waiting to be made.  Enter the mug.  This fall there was a string of "Mug" cakes, muffins, and brownies.  It is the perfect quick treat when you just need to have a sweet treat.

Technically, this recipe is for two but I found it pretty easy to eat it all by myself, even with a little dab of ice cream on top.  Hot brownie sundae in under 10 minutes.  Yep, I could have one every night.  So much for the detox.

Brownie in a Mug

by Emily Morris
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 minute

Ingredients (serves 2)
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 Tbsp milk
In a heatproof mug, stir together the dry ingredients until no lumps remain. Stir in the oil and milk until you have a thick paste.

Microwave on high for a minute, checking it after 30 seconds (microwaves vary) – it will be done when it’s springy on top but still a bit gooey. Serve immediately.
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  1. Mug desserts do come in handy when there is a craving for something sweet! You are smart not having anything in the pantry that you can grab and eat, I think that snacking and easy access is why a lot of diets fail. Moderation is the key and you can definitely deal out the proper portion size with these. Great post!

  2. This is perfect - just the right sized portion - sounds delicious!
    Mary x

    1. So delicious. Warm and gooey just like the perfect brownie should be.

  3. Quick, simple and yummy, I'm sure. Calorie-wise it's two portions but I'll bet that, like you, I'd find it easy to eat this by myself :) So - do I save your recipe for those 'sweet attacks' or do I delete immediately because of the certain knowledge that I will make this? :)

    1. That is a tough question. I held out for a long time but you see where that got me.

  4. I love the idea of mug brownies and cakes-I've been meaning to try one for awhile! I can relate to these sorts of cravings :P

  5. This looks too easy and delicious to be true! Yay for lazy people desserts!

  6. hahaha so true! It doesn't matter how hard I hide the oreos from myself I can always bake up my own :) I love how you baked these in a mug, personal desserts are the best! Warm brownie with ice-cream sounds amazing!

  7. Yumm!!! I'm yet to do the mug brownie but I've totally gone for the mug cake and mug banana bread! Seriously, even when there are no sweets in the house - we will find a way! It's terrible and amazing all at the same time! Now I have a new recipe! :)
    -Lacy @

  8. I am so making this tonight! I'm a huge fan of mug cakes...but brownies are my biggest weakness!

  9. I really need to whip these up when my youngest has friends over...they would love these!!! What a yummy idea!

  10. I have never liked baking in the microwave...

  11. I love mug cakes and brownies! :) Looks yuuumy.

  12. I understand exactly what you mean! I try very, VERY hard not to have all the bad-for-you stuff in the fridge and if I get a craving - I go out for it...but wowza! this looks amazing!

  13. What a wonderfull delicious idea :D
    I love how decadent it looks and one a person serving? Yes please!

    Choc Chip Uru

  14. Yum!! It is so hard to eat good for you food all of the time! I want to get in the kitchen because I am stressed, but then I can't because I will bake something bad for me. Endless cycle!

  15. I tried to make a mug cake once and it was an epic fail! I need to try again because I love the idea of just making one serving of cake! I will try your recipe next time!

  16. I'm totally with you on this! I've made brownie in a mug so many times and can you believe it never made it to my blog because it was over before I could take any pictures. Your recipe is simple and delicious.


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