
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Raspberry Chocolate Chunk Muffins

I have been craving muffins lately.  Morning, noon and night I want to have a snack of a muffin.  I have raided the freezer for any extras from previous baking adventures and now they are all gone.

It was dinner time but I didn't really want the lamb chops Mr. J was frying up, so naturally I did want any other woman would do when she wants something.  I made some muffins.  Yep, much to the dismay of Mr. J I got right in his way and started mixing the ingredients together.   Of course, I wanted to have it all ready for when dinner was done cooking because...

  1. The oven was already preheated.
  2. The timing would be perfect for dessert.
Makes perfect sense to me.  I didn't wait too long to satisfy my craving once they came out of the oven.  I may have even been in too much of a rush because the larger ones were just a bit underdone.

Just sweet enough to call them dessert, but not too sweet that you cannot have two right in a row.  Or one for breakfast the next day.

Raspberry Chocolate Chunk Muffins

by Emily Morris
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 16 minutes

Ingredients (12 muffins)
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line 12 cup muffin tin with liners.

Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Stir in chocolate chips.

Place vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough milk to fill the cup. Mix this with flour mixture.

Fold in raspberries.

Fill muffin cups about 2/3 full. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes.
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  1. Chocolate and raspberries are great ingredients for muffins-yum! The other bonus is that when you have a craving, you can whip these up in no time.
    Our kitchen is so small. Another person in there cooking and creating at the same time would just be an elbow fight! Enjoy the day!

  2. Raspberry and chocolate are a divine combination. I have a whole lot of frozen raspberries. Guess I should give these a try. :)

    1. They were a great treat. Literally they are all gone.

  3. Yes yes yes please! Great ingredients that go together extremely well. Nicely done!

  4. Mmmm, chocolate and raspberries are such a wonderful pairing :) Well done!

  5. Buzzed and I enjoyed the recipe. Muffins are almost always great but add chocolate and I'm there!

  6. Love the muffin craving at dinner time! Raspberries and chocolate sounds like a delicious combo! Great recipe!
    -Lacy @

  7. Yup. I'd def have to have one for dessert and one for breakfast the next day. They look irresistable!

  8. YUM! They sound delicious - I'm sure Mr J loved having them for dessert, too!

  9. Yum Yum!! I love raspberries and these muffins are fabulous!

  10. Yum Yum!! I love raspberries and these muffins are fabulous!


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