
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cinnamon Rolls and Thursday Thoughts

When bread dough smells funky, don't use it. I tried to salvage some dough that had been in my fridge for about 7 days.  You could smell the fermentation, just barely, but still you could smell it.  I thought maybe the sugar would make up for it. 

I was wrong.  Lesson learned.

Maine is Maine in June.  It is much cooler than I anticipated and I did not pack accordingly.  I got fun new tank tops to wear.  Tank tops are not a good fit for Maine in June.  When will I learn?

Maine is also not the best place to buy shoes.  I was hoping to have some nude colored heals for the wedding.  For the life of me they are impossible to find in Maine. 
New Balance, Teva and Birkenstock are where it is at.  I am tempted to overnight some to the hotel.   

Sleeping your childhood bed is not the same when you have someone next to you. Suddenly it doesn't seem so big after all.

How is your Thursday?


  1. Haha on the shoes...Zappos is where it's at, they usually do free overnight shipping. ;)

  2. Here in Houston temp is high. you are right about salvaging foods.

  3. What perfect looking cinnamon rolls my friend *drools* :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  4. Aw sorry those rolls didn't turn out :/ I totally relate on the craptastic June weather. Central New York summers stink.

  5. I'm sorry to hear the rolls didn't turn out, but they sure do look good. I also feel bad about your disappointments in Maine. Unfortunately I have to break this news to you ... your Facebook link doesn't work. You need to link a new widget. I was trying to like your page. Let me know when you get this corrected and I'll like your page.

  6. SF and Maine seems like the same weather. Or Maine could be warmer! This weekend is going to be 80-90F and I am so ready for warm weather! I've never made Cinnamon Rolls because it looks hard to make. I don't make dough enough to realize when it would smell! I didn't know you can "keep" the dough, or it can be smelly from fermentation! I'm not a baker that it was interesting to read. Thank you for helpful info!! :-)

  7. I rarely store bread dough, but good to know how to detect spoilage. At least you made an attempt not to waste the dough.
    Also, the tank tops-I find thin long sleeve t-shirts to wear under them for a layered look when it is just too cool to wear them by themselves. Happy Friday!

  8. You gave it a try and that's what matters! I have never tried storing bread dough. Thanks for sharing that tip! :)

  9. You could come to CO, tank tops are definitely needed here! 85 and sunny - HOT!

  10. It is tank top season here as well...I have learned my lesson the hard way too. =) Have a great weekend!

  11. Eek about the dough!!
    I wish it was cooler here in FL!


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