
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Edition: Winter is here to stay...

Although it was a bit cold in California when we first arrived within a few days it had warmed up nicely.  The day before we left we walked around in shorts and a t-shirt.  It was a bit surreal to be in 80 degree weather in January.

Back in the good old Northeast it is winter for sure.  Snow is on the ground.  Somehow we missed that. Temperatures are in the 30s.  Blah. 

It makes it OK that I am stuck inside doing laundry and cleaning all day.  How does an apartment get dirty when no one is home?  I also plan to make some fun recipes. I am so sick of eating out.  They will be up next week.

In case you missed last weeks posts, here is a quick recap:


      1. We are expecting a cold blast this week... I'm ready for spring. Yes, how does a house get untidy when no one is home? Must be the dust bunnies having a party. ;)

      2. Yeah, we have the same weather arriving as Ramona...hope it misses you...we're expecting single digits :( I love the look of your WW bread...mmmmmm. I might need to bake some to warm up my house!

      3. Nice eats! Especially that pizza, yum yum.


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