
Saturday, February 9, 2013


Thank goodness for LL Bean boots and the husband's snow pants.  The snow pants actually didn't work out too well considering they were about 5X too big for me. But they were much warmer and more waterproof than my yoga pants.

I spent most of the day reading.  Blackberry Winter, a half mystery, half love story that had me mesmerized.  A little boy disappears during a freak snow storm in Seattle, May 1933 and is never hound. A news journalist looks to solve the case after a similar storm today.

The book seemed fitting after the snow we got last night.  In less than 24 hours mother nature decided to dump 33 inches on us.  And then the wind blew.

It took Mr. J about 30 minutes just to wiggle out the door. 

Our cars were covered.

It took about 2 hours for us to clean off the sidewalk.  One square at a time. I actually helped with some of this work.  One shovel between the two of us was not the smartest preparations. 

Maybe soon the entrance will be cleaned out.  We are getting a bit stir crazy.


  1. Oh man, you guys def. got more than us, we do have a lot of snow though! Stay warm!

  2. So much snow! Hope you guys are safe and warm!

  3. Wow... 33inches!! That's way too much snow. I hope you guys get loads of days off from work so you can relax after all the snow shoveling. Loved the book you were reading...sounds like my kind of plot. :)

  4. We didn't get hit as hard but still got about a foot. We have multiple shovels and worked together to dig out. A woman trudged past and told us we look so cute shoveling together. Thanks, lady. How about you pick up a shovel and lend a hand. :)


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