
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies and WIAW

Hello Wednesday. I am not too happy with you. I thought you were going to bring Spring.  Not so Spring-like in Connecticut.

In other news I learned what not to do while Mr. J is out of town. 

1. Read scary books. 

Not sure why I keep going back to the thriller section. I was completely freaked out by page 20.

2. Make chocolate chip cookies. 

To distract myself from the scary book I decided to make cookies. Most of the dough made it to my belly before it actually became the cookies. Ops!

I am a smart girl though. Lessons learned on Monday. Here is a recap of my smarter Tuesday.

6am Morning beverages in the dark, cursing the snow and the weatherman.

7am Breakfast

8am Shower/Make Up time

9am Work time

10am Conference call about an upcoming trip

11am Organizing work life and personal life at the same time

Noon Lunch! at my desk.  Tomato soup in a mug. A beat up pear.

1pm  More work. This time analyzing numbers.

2pm  Proofreading.

3pm  Afternoon pick me up. I kind of forgot to take pictures at this point. I had a cup o'joe.

4pm Is the day almost done? I had a few meetings between 3-5.  Found out an extra meeting was scheduled during my trip at the end of the week.  This means my return journey will be delayed.

5pm Gym- 60 minutes on the elliptical. Needed to move. Didn't want to run.

6pm  Dinner without Mr. J.  Sauted kale topped with two fried eggs and an avocado. Served in a Tupperware because I forgot to start the dishwasher this morning.

7pm  New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookies. These have been a long time coming.  I may have learned my lesson about cookie dough yesterday. Now I have to deal with the cookies.

8pm Mr. J comes home!

9pm The Good Wife OnDemand.

10pm  Good Night! 

What do you eat when your significant other is away?


  1. Mmmm NY Times Chocolate Chip Cookies=<3

  2. That dinner looks fabulous. Eggs and avocado make for the best combination!

  3. Oh those cookies look so good. I would have a hard time not eating the whole batch if Ryan was gone! Thank you for sharing, sweet girl. Delicious as always!

  4. I feel your pain, I was without my Mr for WIAW this week and have to resist baking too - I know I'd eat all the dough ;) What was your breakfast? it is soooo green!

  5. ooo yum!! Love the the New York Times Chocolate Chippers!

  6. Haha, yeah scary stories are never a good idea when you're alone! Your dinner looks delectable, regardless of the tupperware. And the cookies look perfect!

  7. What a fun post!! I enjoyed your day and loved that it ended sweet twice (with the cookies and Mr. J). :)


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