
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WIAW: The Teaser

Happy Wednesday! I actually hoped yesterday was Wednesday. This week seems so long already. I could easily be convinced that it is Friday. To bad its not. 

The weather has been glorious on the East Coast. We have sunshine and warm temperatures. In turn I have been waking up early, hitting the gym, and staying up much later than normal. I love it. 

Breakfast yesterday was a special treat. I would call these Almond Joy Pancakes. 

I used Kodiak Pancake mix and added mini chocolate chips and almond slices. Topped with some roasted coconut flakes and more almonds. 

Lunch was leftover chicken taquitos. They were so good. First and second time around. I made this recipe for the Pass the Cookbook club post at the end of the month. Check back later for the recipe.

Dinner was a crock pot meal. Even with the warmer temperatures it is still fun to make an easier dinner with limited work.

I will be posting this recipe tomorrow. It was pretty good although I thought the chicken was a bit dry. Mr. J loved it.  Both of us spent the night licking our fingers. The sauce was amazing and we were thinking of all of the other ways we could use it.

The best part of the day was making the trek to Ben and Jerry's. We almost didn't go because the weather was so nice. We thought the line would be ginormous. In the end all I could think about was getting an ice cream.  Off we went and I am so glad we did.  The line wasn't bad at all.  Caramel chunk ice cream to end the day. I forgot to bring my phone so no pictures of this one. 


  1. Lucky!! The line was soooooo long at Rockefeller Center and Michael had been looking forward to it all day and was so bummed that we didnt get ice cream

  2. I need to make me some pancakes! I haven't had them in YEARS!

  3. Glad you ended your day with some ice cream.. isn't that the best way? :)

  4. We jumped from winter temperature straight to summer ones. I can't believe we had to put the A/C on in early April. Then again.. I am happy it's not winter anymore. :) Love day of food. :)


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