
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

WIAW: Grilling it up

Breakfast is cereal this week. I realized we have about 6 different varieties of cereal in the pantry. I got excited and decided I needed to take advantage. Peanut butter Puffins. Blueberries. Bananas.  Coffee was done by the time eating took place.

I think this post shows that I blog about what we actually eat. Every day this week I had a piece of quiche for lunch. Carrot sticks.  Every. Day.  Today it will be finished.

Lunch was followed by one of these salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars. Every. Day. Wish they would never be done.

This dinner was a feast that made Mr. J do a little dance.  A Boston bibb bacon and blue cheese salad. Steak. Grilled corn. I did a little dance because besides these plates there were no dishes. Perfect dinner.


  1. I eat carrot sticks every day as well. Can't get enough of them! Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars would be dangerous in our house! Yum!

  2. Your Quiche looks absolutely delicious. And I need to gibe these cookie bars a try :-)
    Nice post!

  3. Oh my gosh those cookie bars look so indulgent and delicious! It's amazing how sea salt makes so much of an impact.

  4. Look really is very delicious. Corn is one of my favorite food.


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