
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekend Edition: House

It is hard to believe that last week was my birthday. So much has happened since then.  

We bought a house. 

A house that needs some work.  There was/is wallpaper.  We got about 50% off so far.

There is lots of odd color paint. This picture doesn't do it justice. There was some major purple going on in the master bedroom.

And also some nasty carpet. I am honestly not sure these people knew what a vacuum does.  Good thing there is hard wood under there.

Since this is such a huge part of our lives right now I will be posting weekly updates on our progress.

In case you missed it here is what I was up to last week:


        1. Ugh, houses that need work. We live in one. Some day it'll be finished!! :) Congrats though, such a great thing to own your own home!

        2. Happy late birthday! ;) Buying a fixer upper is always fun but sooooo much work! It took me years to do what I wanted to do in my last house! Although if you don't have kids, the process should go much more quickly for you ;)

        3. 1-the house is gorgeous (on the outside at least...I'm sure it'll be lovely inside once you guys have fixed it all up!) 2-I'm sure you're super stressed you poor thing, has a cookie :P

        4. Congratulations on the house!!! YAY!!! I can't wait to see the updates. I love house renovations. :)

        5. Congrats on the house! I'm sure you'll make it beautiful and I can't wait to see the weekly photos!


        Thanks for leaving a message. I always love hearing your thoughts and comments.