
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend Edition: Packing and such

This weekend brought crisp temperatures to New England.  That meant it was the perfect time for my first pumpkin spice latte of the year.  Did you know they have been around for 10 years?  

Dinners have been as low maintenance as possible.  Easy to put together and hopefully each meal empties the pantry a bit more. Lucky for us though we have a pretty nicely stocked pantry.  We had Mexican pizzas for the first time in a long time to use up some cans of beans.  I forgot how good they are.

It doesn't happened too often that I have bananas go brown.  I like them half green. Mr. J likes them yellow with some brown specks. The time they could be ready for banana bread they are well gone.  This week though I managed to double up the amount of bananas from the store. We still barely had three at the end of the week but that was enough to whip up this banana blueberry bread. 

The weekend was also spent cleaning out and packing. Four boxes down.  Many more to come.

On a side note I have been a member of Instagram for a good long time but never really used it till last week.  So much fun!  As if I needed another social media to occupy my time. 

In case you missed it here is what I have been up to this week:

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