
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Eve Happenings and WIAW

Hello 2014!  I am so excited to see what is to come in the new year. I have plenty of fun ideas to post about in the coming weeks but until then I have one last look at 2013 with some New Year's Eve happenings.

The day started off a bit strange as I had a doctor's appointment which required blood work and some booster shots.  Let's just say my left arm is still feeling the effects. Since I am no good with blood Mr. J tagged along to be my driver. He was also there with some OJ and banana for me to scarf down after having nothing to eat for too many hours. Blood work is the worst.

I had to get an eye doctor's appointment in too. I was in desperate need of new glasses. I am blind without some kind of corrective help. I do have contacts but stick to glasses most days.  During our move I lost my main set of glasses. I have another pair but have been in a minor state of panic since losing the other pair. If anything happened to these I would be in trouble.  So after a bite to eat, we headed off to the eye place. 

By noon all was done, had a new pair of glasses, was finally feeling better from the first appointment and we were off to work for a few hours.

At 3pm we were done for the day.  I made a quick trip to the gym. It was only opened till 5pm for the holiday. I am still not sure if it was packed due to the early closing or because people were already on their new year's resolutions for better health.  I am not looking forward to the coming weeks of busyness.

The real fun began about 5pm.  Mr. J and I have a tradition of ordering Chinese takeout New Year's Eve.  We go to bed way too early to even consider going out to party.

Mr. J loves his Chinese buffets. We ordered enough fun to have a mini buffet right at home. 

As much as I love the Chinese tradition for me it is all about the champagne.  This is probably not the best thing for me to drink on a night that is all about staying up since it makes me super sleepy but oh well.  I am OK with the nine o'clock bedtime.

It probably had something to do with the champagne but Mr. J wanted dessert around 7pm.  I hadn't really planned anything but mentioned some cookie dough balls in the freezer. Next thing I knew we had five chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven.

There wasn't a big party. No fancy dresses. No sparkles. But we had a great night. 

 Here is to 2014 and much healthier eating than the way 2013 ended.


  1. What a great evening in!! I love your traditions. We stay in too and pop the champagne. This year we did take outs, dressed in pajamas, and stayed up till midnight! Hope you have a relaxing first day of the year Happy New Year!!

    PS: So glad you got your doctor appts all done :)

  2. We had Chinese Food for Xmas and Chicago Deep Dish for New Year's!

  3. Looks like a New Years tradition I can get used to too. We only went to my sister's house for food and games, but we came home at 10pm because the kids were tired. I like watching the ball drop on TV. :) Happy New Year. :)


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