
Thursday, March 20, 2014

What I am reading lately...

I haven't been updating my latest reads with you in a very timely fashion and thought I would take some time to let you know about one of the books today.

Alice Buckle is a middle age wife about to celebrate her birthday. She will now be older than her mother when she died in a tragic car accident. This along with some other unsettling details in her life lead Alice to seek solace in an online research survey about marriage. Suddenly she finds herself answer intimate details of her family and marriage.  These response evoke strong memories of the past but also leads her toward a personal connection with the researcher. 

This novel is a story of a woman losing her identity through the monotonous details of her family life only to find herself again. The questions raised suggest that potentially her life now doesn't fit her found again self. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of this book, Emily, but you and I enjoy so many of the same reads, that I have a feeling I'd like this one, too. Thanks!


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