
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What I Am Reading Lately...

Being gracious has been on my mind a lot lately. Also known as being courteous, kind, pleasant, and in general a good person. I am so lucky in so many ways there really should be no other way to act. 

I think about the people lost on the Malaysian flight. I think about those missing in the mudslide in Washington state. Even my worst day doesn't come close to comparing anything in those tragedies.  

And that also brings me to my latest read. It was a downer. Cancer is never a good thing but in children it seems even worst.

  "The Fault in Our Stars" is by John Green. Hazel Grace Lancaster is 16 and a three-year stage IV–cancer survivor.  To help deal with depression she is sent to a support group where you meets Augustus Walters. They become good friends as they navigate the ups and downs of their illness. As they share experiences, Hazel introduces Augustus to An Imperial Affliction a novel about cancer with no ending. They both dream up potential futures for the character and make it their mission to visit the author to seek answers. 

The story is about life, love and death seen through the perspective of young adults trying to figure out the world they have barely been a part of.  It is a tearjerker for sure.

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