
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weekend Edition: A few additions

Happy Weekend!!

It has been almost a month since Mr. J and I were home by ourselves for the whole weekend.  I was so looking forward to this weekend with NO plans.  Of course I had plans for various house things and chores but I promised myself some relax time too. 

Saturday we decided to go out to lunch/brunch at a place we heard had amazing breakfast.  It just happened to be by my favorite bread store. After picking up a loaf of bread and some granola we headed to the little hole in the wall joint.  Mr. J was obsessed over the egg benedict selection and ended up with the crab cake version.  I was convinced about getting an avocado omelette until I saw the Naan special.  Two poached eggs with avocado, tomatoes and bacon over arugula served on naan bread. Yep, there was no way I was passing that up. 

On the way home we saw a little antique store called Trove. I love that name!  There was so much I wanted to bring home but we resisted the big furniture. I did get this lovely oil painting and a mirror.   I cannot wait to find their permanent home. 

I got one last batch of rhubarb at the store and it ended up in this strawberry rhubarb crisp. I am trying harder to watch the amount of sweets we consume lately. I think it got a little out of hand the past few months.  Someone because this is fruit based it fits the bill.  Right?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I wish Bill would eat rhubarb...then I'd make your crisp in an instant! Sounds like you had a lovely, relaxing day...


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