
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A little BIG surprise!

So Mr. J and I are having a baby.  It has been a crazy whirlwind these last few months with all sorts of new experiences for us.  I will post more details about it soon but I wanted to share the news. This might explain my absences or limited postings this summer.  It sure is hard to be a food blogger when food really is of no interest.


  1. Aw :) Congrats!!! We're due right around the same time (I'm like a week earlier) - welcome to the 2nd trimester!

  2. I AM SOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! yay!!! A BABY!!

  3. Ahhhh baby!! Congratulations you two! So excited for you!!

  4. HOORAY! What exciting news!!! Congrats to you both :)

  5. Awww huge congrats to you!! My baby just turned one on Sept 17th - their first year is such a whirlwind... can't wait to hear more! :)

  6. Congrats! This is such an exciting time! I hope you have a smooth pregnancy. I'm 32 weeks and am finally starting to feel uncomfortable!


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