
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Baby Update: Week 23

If you couldn't guess by the picture we are having a girl.  Everyone was telling me that they guessed a boy. I think I convinced myself that was what we were having. When the technician said it was a girl I was quite taken aback.  I didn't really have a preference. More importantly we have a baby with one head, two arms and legs and ten fingers and toes. Seeing all of the detail on the monitor was crazy.

Everyone says the second trimester is the honeymoon period of the pregnancy.  I would disagree.  Nothing much as changed since first trimester. I might be a bit less tired, as in if I sit on the couch I don't immediately want to fall asleep, but I still don't have a lot of ambition to do much.   

As far as exercise I still try to walk every day. It ranges from about 30-45 minutes at a pace of 3.5-3.7. I get in about 2-3 miles each day.  I stop more because I have to pee than because I am tired. Stairs are no good. One flight leaves me huffing and puffing for air.  The problem is I don't really enjoy elevators either.  The slightest up or down sensation makes me incredible nauseous immediately.  Traveling in cars or planes is not my favorite thing.  I am going to be done traveling for work come the end of December. I am counting down the days for sure. 

As for food, I still don't have any aversions or major cravings.  Simple food both by flavors and ease of preparation is what I want. 

The nursery isn't quite done. My whole done by the end of October thought was clearly not well thought out with everything else going on. We are getting a bit closer though on the paint end. Up next is the closet. 

I am pretty much done with the registry. We wanted to have it ready for Christmas time since we are asking more for baby things than things for us.  We don't even have her yet and she is top priority already.  Baby things are complicated. There is so much stuff and so many opinions. I figure there is only so much she will need in the first month or so. We decide from there what else we need.

For the last update we picked out a name....I think. We didn't talk names until we found out the gender. Growing up I had all sorts of boy baby names but no girl ones. Thus, we were starting from scratch. We started out on completely opposite ends of the spectrum but the more we talked the more we had some overlaps.  There is one we both really like so we are going with that for now.  Much to the dismay of family and friends though we are keeping it a secret. 


  1. Awwwww a little girl! How exciting! I can't wait to see her cute little face and learn her name!

  2. Congrats! This is so exciting! My birthday is in March, about a week after she's expected to arrive. :)

  3. Hooray for baby girls! And I used to buy a lot of Hanna Anderson when mine were we ones :)

  4. A girl!!! Yippeeeeeee!! Daughters are awesome and you get to dress them up in all those cute little outfits. Girls and clothes the obsession starts early. ;) Congratulations... you're more than half way to the finish line. Yay!!


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