
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

It is too early for snow and #WIAW

Well they weren't lying about the snow.  Not long after we arrived in Maine it started snowing. About two hours later the trees were covered. A beautiful thing when you are sitting inside.  I hope everyone can be where they planned to be safe and sound for Thanksgiving. 

Per the norm nowadays I had two breakfasts on Tuesday.  First a bowl of yogurt, granola and raspberries around 7 am and then a second breakfast with a green smoothie at 10 am.  I got two packages of raspberries on sale last weekend.  They were fantastic. 

Lunch was leftover pasta bolognese.  Super filling and comforting.  Extra cheese on top.

Dinner was a whatever you can find in the fridge kind of night. I opted for eggs with cheese and toast.  Mr. J had hot dogs.  Saving room for the big turkey day and all. 

Have you been watching what you eat this week in order to account for Thanksgiving?

What did you eat Wednesday?

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