
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I am still confused about what day it is and #WIAW

Maybe it is the holidays still but I am all sorts of confused about what day of the week it is. It is kind of a good thing this week though. Yesterday I thought it was Monday for some reason.  But it was Tuesday and here we are with Wednesday.  Two more days left of the week. I think between the baby and it being winter my motivation to be out and about is completely gone. I just want to hibernate on the couch. 

Unfortunately I have to work. At least I only work about 10 minutes from home nowadays. It makes for a short commute. I am still committed to my green smoothies every weekday morning.  A banana, lots of spinach, OJ, a touch of milk and 1 Tbsp of peanut butter give or take.  I am convince this has kept me healthy and hope it continues to do so.

This is my snack drawer at work.  It is my safe guard in case I don't pack enough for the day in the morning.  The nut packages were in my stocking at Christmas.  I have had one a day since I have been back.  There is a chocolate one in there that I love but it is a lot of calories. I don't care so much but if the average person was pounding down one of these it is way too much than what you should consume at snack time.  

Lunch this week was a fairly mild version of a burrito bowl. We had enchiladas over the weekend and there was leftover ground turkey and black beans. I added some rice from leftover Chinese and topped it was shredded cheese, chopped spinach, grape tomatoes and salsa. 

My mid afternoon snack was some yogurt, granola and black berries. Black berries have been ridiculously cheap and delicious lately.  I will keep buying them until the prices go back up. 

Dinner was his and her pizza. Mr. J had pepperoni and I had cheese.  We ate on the couch. 

In PJs.

And slippers.  

Do you eat on the couch?  What did you eat Wednesday?


  1. We always eat on the couch. It is a terrible habit, but I can't tell you the last time that we ate at our dining room table!! Your snack drawer is so smart to keep you from eating bad foods during the day!

  2. No shame in eating on the couch - we treat ourselves to that every now + then. =) And your green smoothie looks fab! I need to get those back into my diet.

  3. I'm confused what day it is, too! We crossed the International Date Line sometime today and this Wednesday is dragging out to more than 36 hours! I think I may be eating a few meals in pjs till my jet lag wears off :) Glad you're done with traveling!

  4. I hibernate on the couch, too. It's freezing out there!
    I gotta say, I'm in love with your snack drawer! :) My snack drawer is the only thing I miss about my previous office job. :-D

  5. I am totally with you on hibernating. I need to get some green smoothie into me this year. :)


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