
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One thing a day and #WIAW

Its cold, cloudy and windy in Connecticut this morning. I really just want to wear my PJs and stay in bed all day reading. Instead of that wonderful plan I am off to work. I am hoping this day flies by as does the rest of the week. I cannot wait for the weekend. We are having my baby shower. It is going to be at my house.  And although I am super happy to have it there I am starting to spot every single speck of dirt and dust that exists.  

My plan this week has been to do one extra task a day above and beyond the normal dishes, cooking, and mail duties.  Monday I sorted papers. Tuesday I organized some random clothes.  Today is all about laundry. So far it is working but I must say last night my ambitions were already diminishing. 

Yesterday at work I was sad to see the last sleeve of saltines disappear. I immediately wrote a note to myself to pick more up.  

Lunch was leftover beef ragu with pasta.  I made a mess all over my computer.  In some ways I feel like pregnancy has made me much more anal about things, in other ways I am much more lax.  A little pasta sauce in the spaces between my keyboard. No bigs.

Chocolate.  Work required chocolate yesterday. Enough said. 

Dinner was by myself and I made grilled cheese. First time ever not over cooking at least one of the sides. I was proud.  About an hour after eating this I was still hungry.  I had a hot dog and was so into just eating it there are no pictures.  I have been eating to breakfasts for a while now but I might get into two dinners for the rest of the pregnancy. This week I have been so hungry at night.  It is hard to find something I actually want to eat.  This morning was the first morning in a while though I didn't wake up in the middle of the night hungry.  

What is your favorite late night snack?  What did you eat Wednesday?


  1. grilled cheese...chocolate.....beef....saltines....sounds like a tasty day to me!

  2. All you food looks so good! My late night snack is SkinnyPop black pepper popcorn. I love that stuff! :)

  3. I'm pretty sure my dinner requires a follow up York Peppermint Patty :) #wiaw

  4. I've deemed saltines the forgotten cracker...they're so good, but I always forget about them!

  5. Oooh, a grilled cheese always hits the spot! That might be my lunch tomorrow :)

  6. Grilled cheese is always nice; your looks so good! :)


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