
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wicked Weather and #WIAW

My dream of having March be Spring like has come and gone. I am sure you are sick of me complaining about the unrelenting storms as much as I am. Poor Mr. J has spent almost every morning before work outside cleaning off the driveway. This morning it wasn't too much but it was super heavy. A few days ago it was about 7 inches and heavy.  We are both done.  This weekend I bought basil to help make things feel more warm. It helped. I am tempted to get some more this weekend.

To help fuel the shoveling I made peanut butter bars and maple oat muffins. Recipes are coming soon. Some people prep for the week with cutting up veggies, etc. I just bake. 

Since I am just ready for this baby to come I decided this last few days (hopefully) are all about indulgence. I still start the day with my green smoothie. I have been adding a handful of rolled oats lately for a bit of extra fiber. 

The indulgences came when I treated myself (sent Mr. J out) to Starbucks for their new tiramisu latte.  It was half-caff with only 2 pumps but still super good. This was followed by an egg and cheese sandwich on a hard roll. I swear there is an egg with cheese in there. Mr. J said it was my own fault for not ordering two eggs which is his default. 

Lunch was salad with homemade chicken noodle soup.  Seriously why haven't I made chicken noodle soup earlier in the year. It was fantastic!

Snacks included this yogurt parfait that probably consisted of way more strawberries than yogurt and granola.

More fruit!

Dinner was his and her pizza. I am still all about cheese.  The fresh basil was a nice touch.  I wanted to get a measuring tape out with this one. Mr. J was in charge of the toppings and although it is hard to tell from the photo his pepperoni were totally creeping on half of the pizza. 

What have you been eating lately?  Any indulgences? 


  1. ooooh that soup and pizza and those pb bars and maple muffins--yum!

    but also--yeah. March can become spring-like at any time

  2. Haha I love the concept of his and hers pizza! We always try to compromise and just add EVERYTHING and end up with more of a deep dish style pizza. Your pizza is much more elegant.

  3. Yeah, where the heck is the warm up! We're going to dip down to zero by Friday. Ugh. Looks like you've cooked up some yummy treats :)


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