
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Olivia: Week Five

My little one is five weeks old. They say that time flies and it does. Each day it is noon before I can even blink. And my life pre-baby is a blur. Was I really able to go to the gym every day for an hour?  I cannot even imagine. 

Life is good. We are good. 

Each day brings something different.  And just when I think we are on some type of schedule she goes and changes things up. This has been an adjustment for me, the planned out type A person that I am.  But really it just is what it is and we go with it. 

We have been fortunate to get long stretches at night. During the day, well, that is a different story. 

She is now my partner in crime. Once the day starts we clean ourselves up, sing some songs, read some stories and try to fit in naps.  

The baby wakes up between 5-6:30 am every morning. We get in a quick feeding and most days she goes back down till around 9 am. This is my work time, sometimes nap time, depending on how fast she goes back down, how hungry I am, or if I want a bit more time with Mr. J. 

Once she is up we eat, get cleaned up and dressed. A bit of organization is done depending on how the night went.  Laundry is started if need be which is most days right now. Then we chat and read. If I am lucky she will go back to sleep around 10:30 or 11, if I am really lucky she will sleep more than 45 minutes. 

Once up she eats again and we have some more play time.  I try to eat lunch, normally prepped while she naps, and we countdown the minutes till Daddy comes home for lunch.

After lunch we try to nap again. She would stay up if I didn't actively put her down. She is so alert and attentive when up. I think she doesn't want to miss out on anything exciting. Swaddles are a must. She is one active little girl and we have to lock down her arms for any chance of sleep.

The afternoon nap tends to be longer and I try to catch some sleep time as well during this stretch. I get an hour or so. Olivia gets 2-3 hours.  Once up it is time to eat again. We snuggle until Daddy comes home.  I honestly blink and it is 5 pm.  

We haven't nailed down the evenings as well as the days.  She can be fussy, she can sleep, or she can be perfectly contest during dinner.  Feedings are based on her mood and whether or not we need a bath. 

Our sweet little one does not like bath time. She arches her back so fiercely the second her skin hits the water and then the wails start.  It has gotten a bit better and I am hoping soon it won't be so painful. This 15 minute or so process leaves Daddy and Mommy exhausted. 

We dress her, feed her, and swaddle her for the night between 7:30-8:30 pm and off to bed she goes. This is my new bedtime too. Her longest stretch is always the first one and I take advantage of these hours as much as possible. 

Before I know it she wakes up, it is after midnight and a new day has begun. 


  1. awww poor baby-I'm sure she'll start liking bathtime soon! I love this little update-Olivia is such a little doll!

  2. Welcome to the Earth, Sweet Little Olivia! And Mom, welcome to the CLOCK of your life! I never remember what year it was, but I do remember how old my daughter was! 'When Alisa was six months old...' 'When Alisa was two we moved...' and on and on!

  3. Welcome to the Earth, Sweet Little Olivia! And Mom, welcome to the CLOCK of your life! I never remember what year it was, but I do remember how old my daughter was! 'When Alisa was six months old...' 'When Alisa was two we moved...' and on and on!

  4. Aw, she's getting so big! And I love her expressions. Those days are a blur to me, so it's good that you're recording them via your blog :)

  5. Gah, what a cutie! You're giving me baby fever! =)


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