
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Time and #WIAW

We are finally getting some sunshine and warmer temperatures.  The other day I went outside twice without a coat.  It was amazing.  I cannot wait to spend more time outside in the fresh air. 

Yesterday was a day of good eats.  I did eventually eat all of this and then some.  Cookies, an apple and an orange somehow missed the photo shoot. However, Olivia has this crazy way of waking up or being fussy right when it is time to eat.  She is fine if I hold her but I haven't master the eat and hold method yet.  Let's just say granola doesn't transfer well from bowl to mouth with a baby in the middle. 

Lunch was a sandwich with hummus and avocado.  Have you had this combination before? It is so good. The sandwich also had turkey and cheese.  Carrot sticks and potato chips. I picked up this bag of Kettle chips last weekend at the store. They are roasted garlic.  Good but not amazing.  I was really expecting a ton of garlic flavor but it kind of left me disappointed. 

Dinner was leftover lasagna.  My mom left us last weekend with a fridge full of food. We have been enjoying it bite by bite all week. Not only has dinner been a snap to put on the table but the clean up is minimal too.  We have a few more nights of being spoiled. 

And of course I couldn't not leave without a little photo of the baby. Pretty in Pink.  I am obsessed with her little hands and ears.  

What did you eat Wednesday?


  1. oooh so much numminess--esp the pink lil nugget :P

  2. Ooh I love hummus on my sandwiches - what a good day of eats indeed. Also love lasagna and leftovers!! Yay for moms.
    AND how cute. Pretty in pink = adorable!

  3. Mason likes to be held constantly too - and always wakes up while we eat too. Nick and I usually take turns eating while the other haphazardly eats while holding him lol. He has a knack for always sticking his hand in my yogurt! The sandwich sounds delish! And Olivia is so cute!! :)

  4. It really upsets me when products labeled as having garlic flavor are actually lacking in that department, so I can resonate with your disappointment!

  5. She's precious! We've been having warm weather but the past few days have had horrible north winds which have been so cold!

  6. Great eats...And cute little one;) I too have been caught not wearing my jacket...Love warmer weather!


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