
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#WIAW Enough Said

I think I am getting into my groove about working again. Mornings and evenings don't seem so frantic to me anymore. I think it is all about priorities. You do what you need to do and then don't worry about anything else. 

Yesterday I had a meeting in New Haven. It is about 25 minutes from our house. It was a great way to get out on the road again without really being on the road. 

The meeting ended right at lunch time and I snagged this yummy sandwich. Not the healthiest choice but certainly delicious. I am sucker for chicken cutlet.

Dinner was chicken too. I actually had a salad too but ate it before I realized I didn't take a picture. We grilled this chicken up on Sunday and I ate two thighs cold for dinner. Quick and simple. 

We also having been snacking on fruit. Peaches are still ify but this batch seemed pretty good. I am still getting apple now and then. I am enjoying the summer fruits but I miss the good apples too. I am trying not to wish for Fall too soon. 

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