
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Have blog, Must post

This month has been very bad for the blog posting. I realized yesterday that it is halfway through the month and I have only posted one recipe. More will be coming soon I swear. I think the heat has sucked what little motivation I had right out of me. Of course this little one's smiles make it hard to stay behind a computer screen as well. But I am not ready to give it up just yet. For today I thought I would share a little bit about what is currently going on. 

Reading: Who has time for that? I have the book All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr. It is about a French girl and a German boy right after WWII. It seems like it would be really good. If only I could start it. Long gone are the days of uninterrupted reading.  When I have free time now I am busy research high chairs and kitchen renovations.

Thinking about: Um, let's just say you don't want know what I am thinking about. Part of the reason I haven't been blogging is that I have so much running through my little mind. It gets confusing, even for me. Here is a quick list:

  • The little one - this is a given. She turned 4 months old last week. How did that happen? How can I love her more and more every day. 
  • Our kitchen - I haven't shared much about our kitchen renovation. Hello? We are doing a kitchen renovation. It's pretty much a complete gut. We are about 1/4 of the way through demo. I am super stressed about the mess, the timeline, the budget. Basically every aspect of it frightens me. Cannot wait till it is done. 
  • Vacation - should we go on one?  Our last get away was to Miami before Miss O arrived. Although I really want to go on one, it seems extravagant given the kitchen remodel, my limited time off due to my maternity leave, and the stress of traveling with the baby.
  • Work - arg?!?!?

Listening: I now put on music whenever I am at work. I swear it makes the time go by faster. I use iTunes radio. They just changed the set up and I am a bit lost. I have Taylor Swift radio, Oldies, and Classical.  The Classical station the other day was so sad sounding I had to turn it off. What do you use to stream music?

Watching: So every night around 8:30 pm I fall asleep on the couch. This makes for a lot of 1/2 watched shows. Right now I really only watch Big Brother and HGTV. I am not sure about Big Brother this year. There are too many twists and craziness. It seems like there is less strategy going on and just chance.   Also the news. I am pretty much out of the house by 7:10 am so my beloved Today show is missing from my life.  

Loving: My family. Every day I think about how lucky we are. I love our time together. It doesn't have to be anything special, although we did have a fun trip to get FroYo the other night. Just sitting on the couch, bath time, and morning wake ups are all so normal and special in their own way.  

1 comment:

  1. summer is always INSANE...I actually always feel overwhelmingly busy even though I feel like in theory I don't have that much going on? so yeah...the point is....I understand!

    and oooh lil baby girl is SO CUTE


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