
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weekend Edition: The Next Thirty Days

Big things are going on in the next thirty days...

We will be celebrating our third wedding anniversary.  Where does the time go?

I will be turning twenty-nine.  Yes, I am getting close to the big 3-0 but that doesn't bother me. I love birthdays.

We are buying a HOUSE!  After some major ups and downs, it seems like all things put to a go for the house we made an offer on a few weeks ago.  Come mid-September we will be proud homeowners. 

Big things I tell you!

Now in case you missed it, here is what I was up to last week:


      1. It's a month of celebrating!! Wishing you all the best in your purchase of a new home!! Happy early wedding anniversary and birthday... What a fabulous month. :)

      2. Congrats on all the good stuff you've got coming up!


      Thanks for leaving a message. I always love hearing your thoughts and comments.