
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Perk on Church: Girl time and acting like a grown up

Still working on cleaning out the closets.  Mine isn't that bad but Mr. J, let's just say that he might have a clothes addiction.  I counted 62 t-shirts.  That was after he supposedly went through them and got rid of the bad ones (trash) and the ones he doesn't want (donation).  I am pretty sure if I tried I could find more too.  He really doesn't see a problem with 62 t-shirts!

After a morning in the closets, I needed a break.  Thank goodness I had a bit of girl time schedules with these lovely ladies.  

Me, Janice, Laura, Kat, and Kari

We went to a local place on the green.  It is actually fairly new but they have another location in a town close by that has been around for years.  I was super excited to check it out because well their main attraction is CREPES.  Yum!

Sadly, it was a bit of a disappointment.  I was going to get the southwestern crepe.  After I ordered and paid, they said that they were missing one of the ingredients, the sausage meat.  Not wanting to substitute with bacon or ham (YUCK!), I just changed it to my second pick.  It was a basil, tomato, mozzarella salad in a crepe.  It was alright but not fabulous.  I could have made it myself pretty easily.  I also got a coffee which was also a bad idea because we ate upstairs.  For some reason it was about 20 degrees warmer up there than downstairs.  Anyway the total was almost $10, and the food was definitely not worth it. 

One of the girls also had to wait for her meal about 10 minutes after the rest of ours came to the table.  Funny thing is she just got soup and salad while the rest of us go hot meals.  It is always difficult to eat when someone doesn't have their food.  She sweetly insisted we eat so ours didn't get cold.  Overall, I probably would think twice about going back. 

They did have delicious sounds sweet crepes that I might go back for as dessert.

Thank goodness the company was good.  It has been a very long time since we have all been together.  Actually, Kari's one year wedding anniversary is today and I believe the last time the 5 of us were together in one place was her wedding.  Yikes!

I felt like such a grown up, our conversation ranged from:
  • Babies - Kat just has the cutest baby girl in January.  
  • Weddings - Laura just got engaged!
  • Homes - Janice is in the process of buying her first home.
Funny, I am married but none of the other topics apply to me.  I can still feel grown up right?

Sorry for the lack of pictures.  Even though 3 of the 5 of us have blogs only one person managed to bring a camera.  We missed the whole food picture process because that was just a debacle. 

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